Effective July 31, 2012
This is an automated message designed to help you become accustomed to your new email server and some of its advanced features.
- ANTI-SPAM FEATURES: Spammers (or junk emailers) are using more and more complex methods each day. To help combat this, the methods used to clock this unwanted email from your inbox are becoming more numerous and diverse. It's important to understand a little about how junk email is filtered. There are a few main tests used to check if a given email
destined for you is junk.
- Sender checks: MagicMail looks at the sender?s provided information and tests it to be sure it?s reliable. It will check to be sure that there aren?t any errors in the sender?s details (incorrectly formatted sender addresses etc.) because many spammers don?t bother to send their junk properly. It will also check where a message is sent from. If an email comes to you from a server which is known to be a source of spammers it will be rejected. Additionally, MagicMail will check your blacklist to be sure that the sender has not been specifically set by you for deletion.
- Message Checks: MagicMail also scans the message itself. It will first scan the email for viruses and attempt to remove any it finds. If no virus is found, the email will then be scanned for certain spam "signatures." These are characteristics of spam messages that help the system know that a given email is a spam message. For example, the email server will scan for words or phrases common to junk messages.
- USER MANAGEMENT INTERFACE: You will use the included web interface to manage your email settings. If you have just one email account, you will be able to use this web interface to add a forward, set an autoresponder, change your password, or customize your anti-spam settings. You can access your web interface to visiting: webmail.etv.net Once you have logged in, you will see the menu on your left providing you with several choices.
- Email Options: Here you can modify your email options. You can forward your email to another address, or you can set up your vacation autoresponder. Be sure to save your changes.
- Spam Management: Here you can modify your anti-spam configurations. CAUTION: your must be careful when making changes here or you may inadvertently start filtering email you would like to receive. If you are unsure how to proceed, please contact support at emailsupport@emerytelcom.com or 435-613-9605
- WEBMAIL: If you have not used webmail before, you will find it extremely useful for the times when you are away from your normal PC and wish to send a message or check your email. When you use webmail to check your email, your messages will still be left for you to download to your local PC when you return, unless you delete them. This makes the system very handy for those occasions when your are not at your normal PC. To login to your webmail, it is best to visit: webmail.etv.net. Once you log into your webmail with your email address and password, you will see your messages displayed. Here, you?ll be able to view, reply and send new messages. Don?t forget to log out when you are finished with your webmail session.
- MAIL CLIENT CONFIGURATION: When setting up a mail client on your own computer, you may be asked to fill in some details about your email account. Below are some of the details which may be asked.
- Connection Type: IMAP
- Security Option: SSL (port 993)
- Hostname: mail.etv.net
- Username: <your email address>
- Password: <your password>
- Hostname: send.etv.net
- Port: 587
- Security Option: STARTTLS
- Check "My server requires authentication"
- Username: <your email address>
- Password: <your password>